Loving and Respecting Your Body

I believe in a world where people are valued for all the special gifts they bring to humanity, their work, families, and communities.

I believe all bodies should be respected, not judged or criticized for the way they look, degree of health, or ability.

I know a body positivity world is possible, but it's a massive undertaking because it requires our culture to change its belief systems. Thin, muscular, white/lighter - skinned, and able-bodied people have been valued as more worthy for hundreds of years.

Our medical system has shifted to viewing health as an individual and ‘personal responsibility’ task, one that is primarily focused on ‘weight management’ as the sign that you're healthy and doing a good job. And yet, people avoid going to see the doctor because of the dreaded weight lecture.

It's like the self-care efforts you are making are only good if you're within a certain weight category. That's weight bias and it's very harmful to our well-being.

Ultimately, most people today believe that in order to have a good, healthy life, we have to reach nearly unattainable standards for weight and appearance... and the reason it's unattainable is mostly genetics -- something we literally do not control. Not to mention the very normal processes of having children, aging, and having a life well-lived.

There is a problem with our culture when we believe appearance equals health, and that dieting, restricting calories, intense exercise, and all the other forms of body control will improve health.

You can choose a whole different view of health…one that focuses on your personal well-being and not your weight, shape, or appearance.

I believe that we will all have a hand in creating this kinder, body-respecting world by starting with ourselves, our beliefs, and our personal values.

I’m here to walk through the journey with you, and while there may be challenging days ahead, I am here to help you find the confidence, success, and happiness you truly deserve. Book a consultation with me.

Your body knows what it needs, and you can trust it. You can learn how to trust your body's hunger cues to get off the endless cycle of dieting.

This ebook, 3 Ways to Get Out of the Endless Cycle of Dieting Shame and Body Blame, shares ways for you to get out of the endless cycle of dieting, body shaming and blame.


How Can Intuitive Eating Help Me...


Being Healthy...Doesn't Mean Being Skinny