Being Healthy...Doesn't Mean Being Skinny

What I hate is all the diet commercials on TV and the diet products on Instagram.

Have you seen them? WW, Atkins, Noom…. different “weight loss shakes,” gym ads… the list goes on and on.

However, I love setting goals around health and well-being. Sadly, so much of the time ‘getting healthy’ is confused with dieting, restricting, over-exercising, and all the ‘shoulds’ that we think we need to do because we live in a society that tells us skinny = healthy <-- not true.

Rather, my definition of healthy is doing what's best for you and your body, remembering that only YOU know what that is based on your life and circumstances. And don’t forget, mental health is as important as our physical and emotional health.

My private practice is weight-inclusive and Health at Every Size® informed. I am honest with potential clients that I can’t and don’t support weight loss diets because they simply don’t work for 80%-95% of people (this article is where that statistic comes from)!

In fact, many weight-loss attempts ‘backfire’ with people regaining even more weight and developing disordered eating habits. (Disordered eating is not always what you think… yo-yo dieting, obsessiveness with food, binge-eating aka emotional eating are all part of this too). Many times, the 5%-20% of people who are ‘successful’ with weight loss have symptoms of anorexia, no matter their body size.

I simply cannot practice ethically if I promote weight loss, knowing what I know as a Nutrition Counselor with a Masters in Science, with an emphasis in Food and Nutrition.

I want to make something really clear though. I love health, self-care, and positive well-being. I absolutely support my clients in making positive changes to their health within their ability and lifestyle. I love thinking about creative solutions with clients to promote behavior changes, wellness, and physical health.

Intuitive eating WILL change throughout a person’s life and that’s why it’s always a journey and not a destination - and don’t forget, you CAN’T screw up intuitive eating. You just keep learning.

I am not anti-weight loss, but anti-the pursuit of weight loss.

When someone practices intuitive eating, one of three things will happen:

  • they will gain weight

  • they will lose weight

  • or they will stay the same

Sometimes I have a “guess” as to what might happen to a person’s weight, but I have been wrong before! I simply cannot predict what happens to weight when a person makes behavior changes because it is out of my control.

You and your body can find a healthy balance through intuitive eating, and I am here to help you!

Book a consultation with me to find out how we can work together.

Are you tired of being stuck in the cycle of dieting and nothing seems to work to get you where you want to be? It's not your fault.

This free ebook, 5 Ways to Reject Diet Mentality, shares ways to believe in your body and yourself, so that you can stop that endless cycle of dieting and finally find peace and balance with food and your body.


Loving and Respecting Your Body


Embracing Change … with Intuitive Eating