How Can Intuitive Eating Help Me...
Will it help me lose weight?
How do you know if you are ready for nutrition counseling?
You might be done with the internal war of struggling with your eating decisions or fed up emotionally with going on another diet. However, you want to make changes to the way you eat so you feel better about food, exercise, and your body.
Intuitive eating is all about creating peace with food. Is that what you're ready for?
Basically, the science of intuitive eating promises one of three things:
you will maintain your weight if that is what’s best for your body
you will gain weight if that is what’s best for your body
you will lose weight if that is what’s best for your body
It’s hard to make a prediction about what will happen to your body because everybody is different and has their own story to tell. No matter how you feel about your body, or the size of your body, you deserve to feel better. Together, you and I will work on how you can feel better about the body you are in right now (no matter if you like your body or not).
Does intuitive eating mean I have to…?
I don't tell you exactly what to eat in exact amounts, but I give suggestions and recommendations along the way to set up your meals and snacks in a way that works for you. It helps you make food decisions by encouraging you to tune into your thoughts, body sensations, and experiences to make decisions that are right for you.
Will intuitive eating help me improve my health?
Intuitive eating is a framework with 10 principles aimed for health promotion. Research has linked intuitive eating to improved mental, physical, and psychological health, including:
Improved self-esteem
Improved body image
Decreased anxiety
Decreased depression
Improvement in quality of life
Decreased disordered eating behaviors
Increased physical activity
What if I'm an emotional eater?
Welcome to being a human! We all eat emotionally, but some people have a negative experience with emotional experience. If food is the way you cope, you probably struggle with emotional eating. We will work together on recognizing and breaking the emotional eating cycle and learn new ways to cope with your emotions. I will have many resources available for you that will help you create strategies to stop binge eating.
One thing I typically notice is that most people who binge at night haven’t eaten enough during the day, which will almost always lead to a binge - this is the body's way of making up for lost calories, aka, biology.
Here is one thing to try:
Learn to be satisfied without judgment. When you're eating your food, start thinking about these questions:
What taste do I want - sweet, salty, sour, spicy, or bitter?
What type of food do I want - light, heavy, or in-between?
Thinking about the answers to these questions will help to guide you in choosing foods that satisfy your cravings.
In nutrition counseling sessions, we learn…
Why you are eating the way you are eating
Why are your behaviors part of your life
You developed disordered eating or eating disorder behaviors not to be malicious towards yourself. More often than not, behaviors started as a coping mechanism to help you get through a time in your life. The behaviors were helpful...till they weren't. Knowing the why will help us on our path towards your eating recovery. Your “why” may have started for many different reasons.
Want to learn more about your "why"? Book a consultation with me.
Your body knows what it needs, and you can trust it. You can learn how to trust your body's hunger cues to get off the endless cycle of dieting.
This ebook, 3 Ways to Get Out of the Endless Cycle of Dieting Shame and Body Blame, shares ways for you to get out of the endless cycle of dieting, body shaming and blame.