Body Kindness...Establish Habits that Make You Feel Good

I believe health is not just measured physically. Emotional health is an equal part to the equation.

Everyone has a gut instinct for how to be kind to their body. The truth is, you don’t have to go to extremes to be healthy. Often, extremes can result in feeling unhappy and unhealthy.

Back when I was in school doing my graduate work, I wrote my thesis on intuitive eating and self-compassion. Over the last year I have talked a lot about intuitive eating. These days, I find myself in a place of needing a lot of self-compassion. Not only does that mean thinking kind thoughts of myself, but acting out my compassion for myself, too.

One way we can all be compassionate to ourselves is to avoid letting so-called positive health habits drive us crazy.

The health habits should not drive you crazy. However, the health and fitness world can be so confusing and ever-changing. Clients often tell me about the latest weight loss craze, going carbohydrate free or gluten-free, or keto…the list is endless.

So what did I do?

But remember: Restricting usually leads to wanting the restricted food even more. In reality, all this rule-following effort is exhausting and unworkable. And it never lasts.

Most of us focus on appearance as evidence of good health, or lack thereof, but looks have very little to do with it. You can be healthy and have cellulite, thick thighs, a large butt, and flab.

I find that when clients say they want to be healthy and happy, they really mean that they want to be well.

The good news is, the secret to being well is treating yourself with compassion.

How do we do this? We start by establishing habits that you can feel good about, that make you feel good. This is body kindness.

Health begins by being good to yourself!

Book a fee call with me to learn how to treat your body with kindness.

Your body knows what it needs, and you can trust it. You can learn how to trust your body's hunger cues to get off the endless cycle of dieting.

This ebook, 3 Ways to Get Out of the Endless Cycle of Dieting Shame and Body Blame, shares ways for you to get out of the endless cycle of dieting, body shaming and blame.


Your Journey of Body Kindness... journaling can help


How Much Are You in Your Head When it Comes to Intuitive Eating?