Weight isn't the Only Indicator of Your Overall Health
In my last blog about BMI, I mentioned...
“Many people are afraid to go to their doctors for fear of fat shaming or being told they are obese. Often, at their visit, their weight automatically is described to them as a disease. With a diagnosis of “obesity,” they come to the implied conclusion I have become too heavy, and it’s going to kill me if I don’t fix it. Because, after all, haven't we all heard that we are in an obesity epidemic?”
Ironically, I had a recent experience with a client that drives home this misplaced emphasis on weight.
A few months back, the client was referred to me by a local pediatrician for a high body mass index (BMI). The client, whom I will refer to as TK, is a 15-year-old male. TK is in all honors classes, doesn’t participate in school sports, and is eating what his mother or brother prepares for him.
From our initial assessment, TK seemed to be a ‘normal’ teen who loved pizza, burgers, fries, and not many veggies. His doctor told him he had a high BMI and that he needed to lose weight for health reasons. TK was told he was in the obese category, which is considered a disease.
TK’s mom and dad were both present in the session. I asked what TK’s vitals and lab work revealed. I was told that no lab work had been done. I was surprised to hear this as lab work tells us if we need to be concerned about health. BMI doesn’t provide that diagnosis. I asked if we could get some lab work done to see where TK was at. Parents agreed.
I further asked questions and learned that the client was not getting enough to eat for breakfast or lunch and was coming home and eating until uncomfortable before dinner and at dinner. This did not surprise me at all. More often than not, when clients come to me with binge eating or high BMI, they are actually not getting enough food. They are under-eating in the early part of the day. The body naturally makes up for lost calories mid-day and at the end of the day. It’s not willpower! It’s biology. The body is smart and will do anything to survive and protect itself.
A few more sessions passed, and TK was eating more and feeling better. He also asked his mom if they could join the gym. TK wanted to be stronger and not worry about losing weight (I was thrilled to hear this).
At our last session, I asked if they had blood work done. Mom told me they had, and everything came back completely normal. Mom also told me that the doctor was very surprised and couldn't believe it. I felt very vindicated. Weight is NOT an indicator of health. TK’s labs and vitals are completely normal.
TK shared he doesn’t get enough sleep (which will make the body crave higher carb and sweet foods) and feels stressed and tired all the time. This makes sense, given the amount of AP classes he is taking.
We then discussed how introducing different foods could help with energy levels and that it was normal he was craving higher-carb foods most of the time. In response, his mom has introduced more hearty carbs and vegetables into their diet.
I look forward to my continued work with TK and his mom, and I am available to work with you, too. If you have an experience you would like to share or have any questions, book a consultation. I would love to hear from you.
Your body knows what it needs, and you can trust it. You can learn how to trust your body's hunger cues to get off the endless cycle of dieting.
This ebook, 3 Ways to Get Out of the Endless Cycle of Dieting Shame and Body Blame, shares ways for you to get out of the endless cycle of dieting, body shaming and blame.