Transforming your Health...start with one change

Can being kind to yourself be the path to transforming your health?

I believe it can.

Most of the time, we know when we’re not being kind to ourselves. Usually, we feel it.

  • We are tired from not getting enough sleep.

  • We are uncomfortably full because we overate.

  • We are overly sore because we pushed ourselves at the gym (maybe because we ate a piece of cake).

  • Perhaps, because we haven’t done any movement in a while, we’re feeling sluggish.

Raising awareness of how we feel, good or bad, is the first step. The next step is choosing to either do something that will make us feel better, like staying up late and binge-watching Netflix, or feel worse by not taking care of ourselves.

Taking care of ourselves can help start new ways to be kind to ourselves.

Oftentimes, when your day isn’t going as planned, you get frustrated and start to feel down. First, catch yourself in the act, and then do one thing that will make you feel better. This will change the course of your energy. For example, if you are on a difficult phone call that is making you feel bad, finish that call while walking around the house or petting your animal. If driving in traffic, try turning on calming music or let someone cut in front of you.

By choosing to do things that change your energy, you will naturally make more compassionate choices for yourself. You will experience a powerful emotional boost each time you connect to your body and make a choice that is more caring and helpful in the moment.

Most of us, when starting a new goal or change, start out with big, long-term goals. These goals can really overwhelm the brain and lead us to give up before we accomplish anything. We often forget that our little day-to-day choices make a big difference in our long-term goals.

How can you be kind to yourself? What day-to-day change can you make to feel better? Contact me back and let me know.

Your body knows what it needs, and you can trust it. You can learn how to trust your body's hunger cues to get off the endless cycle of dieting.

This ebook, 3 Ways to Get Out of the Endless Cycle of Dieting Shame and Body Blame, shares ways for you to get out of the endless cycle of dieting, body shaming and blame.


How Do We Make Peace with Ourselves... Self-Compassion and Self-Acceptance


Your Journey of Body Kindness... journaling can help