Your Relationship with Food...
In today’s food- and body-obsessed culture, I often hear people say, “I don’t have an official eating disorder, but…”.
Many “dieting” behaviors are normalized and the obsession with diet foods and excessive exercise is praised. So, is it really a big deal if you skip meals, follow Keto, or count macros? Is it a problem if you exercise for 2 hours every day?
I think it truly depends on your personal thoughts, feelings, and emotions related to food, exercise, and body image. If your self-worth is tied to being a “clean eater,” you might want to take a deeper look into your relationship with food. What would happen if you skip workouts for a whole week? What would happen if you eat out at every meal on vacation or on a long weekend? How would you feel if you overeat ice cream in the middle of the day?
Obsessing over food and body has a way of narrowing the lens of our lives.
A disordered relationship with food results in isolation, increased fears about eating, or rigid thinking patterns, and is often motivated by a desire to manage anxiety or stress. This outlook on food can feel punishing to many people.
On the other hand, positive nutrition promotes health, which is inclusive of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. It endorses flexibility and enjoyment of food and centers movement around feeling good and connecting to your body. A positive relationship with food and body supports living a balanced, happy and healthy life. It widens the lens and connects us with all of the amazing things life has to offer regardless of body shape and size.
Ask yourself: Is my relationship to food and exercise having a positive or negative impact on my life: Is my relationship to food and exercise having a positive or negative impact on my life?
We want to participate in behaviors that enhance our health and well-being and help us live the life we want to live.
It’s important to recognize that someone with “disordered eating” patterns is doing harm to their body, while someone else with the exact same eating pattern could have a healthy relationship with food. My favorite example of this is gluten!
Many people in my life have either celiac disease or gluten intolerance, where they cannot eat gluten without feeling horrible. These people cut out gluten and have a healthy relationship to food. On the other hand, I know other people in my life that have tried to be gluten-free to lose weight, falling into the "restriction-feel hungry-binge-feel guilty-repeat" cycle. These people have disordered eating and would benefit from working on their relationship with food.
Eating more than what keeps you alive isn't about being good. It's about feeling good.
Are you ready to find peace and balance with food and body? Book a consultation with me.
Are you tired of being stuck in the cycle of dieting and nothing seems to work to get you where you want to be? It's not your fault.
This free ebook, 5 Ways to Reject Diet Mentality, shares ways to believe in your body and yourself, so that you can stop that endless cycle of dieting and finally find peace and balance with food and your body.