Cultivating Your Inner Caregiver
There is no shame in wanting to change your habits, or even wanting to maintain or lose weight.
It makes sense. However, there is freedom in letting your weight concerns sit there, without acting on them, while you learn how to cultivate your inner caregiver.
As a practicing Nutrition Counselor, I am often asked the question, “But what about weight loss?” What if you still want to lose weight? What if your doctor said you should? What if a family member says they would love you at any size... but… “I just worry about your health!” What if you worry that you won't be partnered or loved romantically unless you look the part?
These are all real, valid concerns because of the culture we live in today.
But YOU ARE NOT BROKEN. Our culture is... and what may really help is developing a resilience to the traumatic assault culture places on our body and health expectations. It's not only unfair, it's harmful.
Do you know the failure rate of diets? 95%. In fact, the more a person diets, the higher their body mass index (BMI) is likely to climb. Diets fail because of biology, not your willpower.
Biologically, your body wants to live. It needs nutrition rehabilitation, not diets or ‘lifestyle plans’ (what I believe are really ‘diets in disguise’).
But here’s the great news...
Your choices matter!
Your self-care patterns matter. If you’re focused on personally meaningful and positive changes that help you feel good, you're practicing Body Positivity.
Are you ready to find peace and balance with food and body? Book a consultation with me.
Your body knows what it needs, and you can trust it. You can learn how to trust your body's hunger cues to get off the endless cycle of dieting.
This ebook, 3 Ways to Get Out of the Endless Cycle of Dieting Shame and Body Blame, shares ways for you to get out of the endless cycle of dieting, body shaming and blame.