What is BMI and Should We Use it as an Indicator of Health?

Recently I have seen an uptick in referrals of teens with a high Body Mass Index (BMI).

These referrals are disturbing for many reasons and begs the question: What harm is caused by thinking BMI means obesity?

How is Weight Status Determined in Youth?

Between ages 2 and 20, in the United States, weight status is based on body mass index (BMI) percentile. It’s important to understand why we use BMI as a health indicator and how the BMI was developed.

What is BMI?

BMI stands for “Body Mass Index.” It’s a value that comes when measuring a person’s height and weight. This value categorizes people into different descriptors of weight status. Basically, it is a flawed tool to assess a person’s nutritional health.

What is the History of BMI?

The BMI was created in the early 19th century by a Belgian man named Adolphe Quetelet. He was a wealthy, white, cisgender male who studied math and astronomy. He explicitly stated that the BMI could not and should not be used to indicate the health of an individual.

The BMI was created by white men from research done on white male populations. The BMI was used as a way of measuring populations for statistical data, not as a means of measuring an individual’s health.

Weight was not considered a primary indicator of health until the early 20th century. In the 1970’s, a medical science study utilized BMI as a tool to test if it was the most effective way to measure body fat and overall health. This study focused on starvation and was conducted by Ancel Keys, a physiologist, who studied the influence of food on health. After this famous landmark study, BMI was used to diagnose “obesity” and is still used as a measure of health. This is very controversial and problematic.

How is it Utilized?

The BMI is often used as a screening tool to decide if your weight is putting you at risk for health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Why is the BMI NOT a Good Indicator of Health?

  • It does not take into account an individual's muscle mass or waist circumference.

  • It does not take into account genetics, racial factors, age, or gender.

  • We have individual weight fluctuations which is normal. BMI was never intended to be used in a clinical setting as a health indicator.

  • The BMI stigmatizes obesity.

  • It leads to dismissive medical practices.

  • Causes food to become synonymous with guilt and shame.

Next time I will discuss the harm BMI is having on teens and how it can lead to eating disorders.

If you're interested in discussing BMI further, book a consultation with me.

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The Harm BMI is Having on Teens and How it Can Lead to Eating Disorders


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